Manchester Gin Blackberry Infused: Perfect Serve


In October, we released our juicy Blackberry Infused gin. A third of each bottle is packed with the juice of fresh blackberries – we actually use the juice in place of distilled water that we usually dilute our gins with. With no additional water, this bold, fruity gin is still strong at 40% ABV and has a classic juniper character underpinning all that delicious berry sweetness.

With rich black forest gateaux notes on the nose, and an almost rummy feel on the palate, this gin is unbelievably fruity without being too sweet.

You can drink this gin on it’s own with a big cube of ice to enjoy it’s liqueur-like qualities, but it’s designed for the ultimate fruity G&T. We have two lovely serves depending on your palate:


Blackberry G&T No. 1: A light, boozy fizzy Vimto

Pour a double over a generous amount of cubed ice. Top with FeverTree Elderflower Tonic and garnish with a refreshing slice of fresh lemon.

Blackberry G&T No. 2: A fruit-twisted classic

Pour a double over a generous amount of cubed ice. Top with a premium, full-fat Indian Tonic like Franklin & Sons Natural Indian Tonic. Garnish with two blackberries speared on a sprig of fresh rosemary.

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