Festive Botanical Vodka Cocktails – Cocktail Inspiration


Food, friends and family are all key ingredients to a great Christmas, but having a tasty tipple at the ready is what really seals the deal. If you’re wondering where you should start, our botanical vodkas are incredible for mixing into cocktails and below you’ll find three delectable festive recipes to impress your loved ones!


White Russian

For those not familiar with the Tonka bean, its flavour is reminiscent of vanilla, with a slight nuttiness and a hint of spice. This makes our botanical Tonka Vodka a perfect festive addition to the classic White Russian.



60ml Manchester Spirit Tonka Vodka
30ml Coffee Liquor
30ml Single Cream



Shake all the ingredients together, then fine strain into a tumbler glass with ice. Garnish with a piece of dark chocolate.



Grapefruit Sour

A little citrus to cut through the flow of rich filling food can be a welcome addition to the Christmas table. Our Grapefruit vodka captures the essence of fresh Grapefruit, taking this sour cocktail to even zestier heights.



60ml Manchester Spirit Grapefruit Vodka
30ml Grapefruit Juice
10ml Lemon Juice
15ml 2:1 Sugar Syrup
15ml Foamer / Egg White



Vigorously shake all of the ingredients together, then fine strain into a Nick and Nora glass.



Coffee Godfather

For those that like their tipples on the boozy side, our Coffee Godfather is a firm favourite here at the distillery and a delightful winter warmer. Giving the impression of dipping a biscotti biscuit in coffee makes this the perfect after dinner drink.



40ml Manchester Spirit Coffee Vodka
40ml Irish Whiskey
20ml Amaretto



Add all ingredients to a shaker with ice and stir until the tin is icy cold, strain into a tumbler over ice.

Garnish: Orange peel




If you’re looking to expand beyond these festive botanical vodka cocktails, more boozy additions can be found in the rest of spirits range. From One-Eyed Rebel spiced rum, with warming flavours of ginger and cassia, to our Raspberry Infused gin, bringing a little bit of summer to these long winter nights.


With that in mind, from all of us here at The Spirit of Manchester Distillery, have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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