And The Award Goes To…


We’ve been amazed and humbled by how well Manchester Gin and our Raspberry Infused gin has been received. When we set the company up nearly 2 years ago in our dining room our only ambition was to create a gin that stood up next to anyone’s and to grow the business to a big enough size so that we could be truly inseparable and work together everyday.

As i write this now we are both sat next to each other on a gloriously sunny Monday afternoon doing just that. But even bigger than that we are delighted to announce that we will be moving the business out of our dining room and into a fully customised distillery 10 times the size that gives us the room to grow even more.

Our new home will be in a railway arch on Temperance Street in the heart of brewing in the city. We’ve been looking for a premises for some months now and when this opportunity came up we simply couldn’t turn it down. The word Temperance actually means abstinence from alcohol so we couldn’t think of a more fitting street name in which to carry on creating our award winning gins from.

Over the next 3 weeks i will be using every bit of knowledge i have from my previous life as a property developer to transform this blank canvas into our very own working distillery and have the first gin distilling there by August.

We’ve thought long and hard what to call our new distillery and we settled on something we hope embodies the character of all Mancunians, our great city and tells you what we do in there. For us there was only one option, the Spirit of Manchester Distillery.

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